Wheat Grass Abstract Painting by Lisa Strazza Acrylic on rag board
Size: 23.5 x 32″
Size Framed: 29.25 x 37.75″ Price framed: $2400
Call or write gallery 845-988-559
Series of about 20 Drive-in Movie Theater images taken as storm Sandy was just arriving. A hole in the sky allowed the sun to beam very brightly on these movie screens, and I had quite a tie photographing it all.
This is a new series of 23 photographs done recently at the NJ shore. These are a part of the small camera series as well. Color photographs printed on hot press rag.
Image size 16 x 12 inches
Paper size 22 x 17 inches Call or write for...
This is a new series of 23 photographs done recently at the NJ shore. These are a part of the small camera series as well. Color photographs printed on hot press rag.
Image size 16 x 12 inches
Paper size 22 x 17 inches Call or write for...
This large abstract entitled Eclipse was recently acquired by a couple residing in NY state. This is the third painting of Lisa’s in their collection. In three parts it is 5′ x 10.5′ on the wall, it is the largest painting Lisa has sold. Acrylic on canvas with custom...