This beautiful portrait came to us in need of cleaning and restoration. It was a subtle painting, and it had been restored before. The painting had a few problems, being somewhat flat looking, the elbow on the girl had a few problems, and there was a dust of some kind in the surface of the painting. We discovered many interesting things about the painting’s history as we worked on it, especially that the background color was completely changed from a darker brown to this lighter grey-blue.

The cleaning and in-painting, plus new varnish, made for a lovely change in this painting; and while not extreme, it was needed and brought the painting back to life. These images don’t do justice to the changes we saw.

The customer also did a new frame that suited this painting to a tee.

Restored Oil Painting Portrait-Before

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait Restoration by Strazza Gallery

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait Restoration by Strazza Gallery Close-up

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait Restoration by Strazza Gallery Close-up

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait Restoration by Strazza Gallery Close-up

Restoring Oil Painting Portrait

Portrait restored and finished by Strazza Gallery