This painting came to us in pretty bad shape. It had at one time been rolled up and probably shipped in a non protective way. It was cracked, and folded in many places, which ruined the paint. The entire surface of this painting suffered one problem or another, all in...
Sometimes things happen that we don’t expect while moving the contents of a home into another home. This unfortunate painting was mistakenly dropped onto a chandelier that was on the floor. A million to one you might say, but we see things like this quite often....
Sometimes a piece comes along that has some serious acid problems, and there’s not always a lot you can do (in a certain price range). But it can be de-acified, and the re-matted and framed. This is really helpful in stopping or slowing down the problem in many...
This oil painting came to us in serious need of restoration. It had huge flakes of paint falling off and many cracks as you can see form the photos. The painting was originally done on a board which makes it harder for us to repair as we would usually do some of the...
This beautiful portrait came to us in need of cleaning and restoration. It was a subtle painting, and it had been restored before. The painting had a few problems, being somewhat flat looking, the elbow on the girl had a few problems, and there was a dust of some kind...